Jen Viviant

Level 3 QHHT Practitioner

There is a REASON you are here.

Find the Higher Path with Purpose and Understanding

Life Purpose

You will see a clear path forward with your life, have a greater sense of love and connection to others, and feel a sense of significance and certainty about your contribution to the world.

Let Go of it All

Any trauma from the past can be released: childhood trauma, past relationship trauma, pain trapped in the body, emotional baggage, and all type of disease have been relieved.

Ask Anything

Any and all questions are valid, even the ones that are out of this world! Metaphysical, Intergalactic, Ships, Guides, Spiritual Gifts, and beyond.

What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was created by Dolores Cannon, one of the pioneers of past life regression. Feeling it was important to help others get everything they needed in just one session she created QHHT during her 45+ year career of helping others heal themselves through hypnosis. It is one of the few healing modalities that actually helps the client understand how to help and to heal themselves so they can become self-reliant.


My experience I can say has changed my life in this short space of time. Somedays I wonder if what is going on with me is for real. But I’m taking it day by day and praying also. It was great! Continue the great work you do.

-Sherine, Brooklyn

Hi Jen! Thank you again for the session - it has provided a lot of food for thought. I am curious to see what comes up as I continue to reflect on it and listen to the recording.

-Nick, Manhattan

Hi Jen,
I wanted to say that since the QHHT session, my anxiety is so much less of an issue lately - I feel like the session was so helpful for me.

-Nina, Connecticut

Ready for QHHT?

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