QHHT Session

How do I prepare?

  1. Let go and TRUST. Trust yourself, trust the process, trust the first thing that comes to mind! Trust that you are having exactly the experience that your High Self has intended for you to have, without judgment.

  2. Your cooperation is essential! I'm guiding the process and keeping you on track with reminders to trust. You'll occasionally notice some back talk from your conscious mind. This is normal and it is a gift! You are learning how to get knowledge and wisdom from your Higher Self with your conscious mind present at times, so that when you leave the session, you will have a better understanding of integrating both.

  3. Let go of all expectations for this session. Your High Self knows exactly what you need, and your experience will be unique. All the work happens between you and your High Self. As a guide, I help facilitate the best conditions possible for your maximum healing. 

On the day of your session, bring to your appointment a list of questions that you want answered by your High Self. While you can ask any questions, they usually fit into the following categories:





Your higher self has planned this Sacred Soul Experience For you!

Tips for hypnosis

I'll remind you on our day as well

  1. When I ask you to describe something, trust and say the first thing that comes to mind.
  2. When I ask you to see something, see it in as much detail as you can.
  3. Talk, talk, talk! Tell me what you see. As you describe it, even more will become clear to you/open up.

Your QHHT session is a little like peeling an onion all the way to its core. We'll begin with talking about why you want a session, any physical issues, and your life story. This may take a couple of hours or more. After looking over your questions, Jen will guide you into hypnosis and connection to your higher self. It will be a little bit like having a dream guide talking to you while you are in your dream.

Wherever you go and whatever you see on your journey, your High Self is lovingly taking you to the place where your questions and issues began. If you know where something began and why, then you can understand, heal, and move on. It's that easy!

Your intention to having a great session is key! Once you have made the decision to have a QHHT session, already your High Self is preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you.

Before your Appointment


Clear your mind.  Meditate, a walk, soothing music, or what works for you.

Bring warm socks if you wish.


The night before & the day of your session don’t drink alcohol or caffeine. If you're a regular coffee drinker, one cup in the morning is just fine.


Eat a healthy, light meal before you come in. Our session could go 6 hours or longer, so bring a snack for the trip home.


  • Your session will be audio-recorded. You will listen to this later for reprogramming, repatterning.

  • Your session is a private session and completely confidential. You may share your recording or any memories or thoughts as you wish.

  • We’ll talk about how easy it is allow yourself to be guided by me into this peaceful, relaxed state. 

  • You will be guided to 1-3 experiences. Your High Self picks which ones to show you so that you can best understand and answer the questions you have. Once we are finished looking at your experiences we will bring forth your High Self. This is where amazing, deep insight and healing occur. Your High Self and I will go through your list of questions.

  • I give PURE QHHT sessions just as Dolores Cannon created, who perfected her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique through 45+ years of practice and study.


If you want to know more about QHHT, please visit QHHTOfficial, the main website.